AID allows you to classify entries as action, information or decision. This is most helpful in meetings or when collecting information regarding your projects.
Action: This is something where you (or somebody else) needs to do something
Information: This is something you want to remember. Information can either be generic (i.e. a link to an article you always wanted to read) or project specific (i.e. background information on the customer or project you're dealing with). Sometimes you also want to remember when this information came up or was presented to the customer, so you can later on reference this occasion (like in meeting minutes).
Decision: This is where you want to write down the details of a decision and - usually even more important - who was involved in the decision. This is also very important for meeting minutes to have a written reference for the decisions made by all participants.
How to use it
The AID classification system in Organize:Pro and Taskfabric allows you to easily classify each task as action, information or decision and filter for your AID classification.
Set your AID classification
Open the Details Inspector for any entry and select the AID classification at the bottom of the inspector.

Your AID classification is displayed on the right side of each task if you select Folder or Meeting as project type in the project settings. If you specify Project as project type no AID marker is displayed.
Filter by AID classification
Select Filter from the Tasks menu. Choose Action, Information or Decision to apply the filter. Additionally the filter Intelligent Action displays only actions that are overdue or due today.