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Repeating Tasks

Repeating tasks are created using a template task. By defining the template you specify all the details for a repeting task - from title to comment to repeat pattern.

Using the Next Actions view you can check off individual occurrences of your repeating task.

To complete the all occurrences for a repeat pattern go to the project you assigned to the task or the Review Repeating view. Any changes made there apply to all repetitions.

How to use it

Add Start Date and Repeat Interval

To make a task repeating you have to set a start date and a repeat pattern. The repeat pattern (i.e. every 2nd Monday or every day) starts with the start date and repeats every day at the time specified with the start date.

If you enter a due date the repeat pattern stops on the due date. Otherwise it will go on indefintely.

Repeat templates display a special repeat icon for the review date on the right side.

Edit the Repeat Template

The Review Repeating view displays all your repeat templates. Additionally you can access the templates in any project or context view. You can see that it is a repeat template by the repeat arrow marker in the lower right corner of each task.

If you edit a repeat template in any view other than Next Actions you modify the template itself (not a specific recurrence). This gives you the opportunity to adjust the repeat pattern (i.e. move a weekly conference call from Monday to Wednesday) or add additional comments that will be displayed with each recurrence of the task.

Review repeating Tasks

Repeating tasks are displayed in the Next Actions view based on the repeat interval. You can see that it is a repeating task by the round repeat arrow displayed in the lower right corner of the task.

You can check off the recurrence, modify it (i.e. add comments) or move it to another day by tapping the task and opening the edit dialog.

Moving a single occurrence to another Date or changing other details in the Next Actions view

To move a single occurrence drag the repeating task in the Next Actions view and drop it on the date bar or edit it and set a review date using the in-line editor or the Task Details Inspector.

Each occurence of a repeating task has a review date based on your repeat pattern. To change this assign a new Review Date. Additionally you can change all other details - including task notes - for this reccurrence. This does not affect the repeat template or other tasks in the series.

If you want to make changes that apply to the whole series, make the updates in the template (i.e. by opening it from the project or Review Repeating view).

After updating a single recurrence of a repeat pattern the repeat icon will change to a stroked-through repeat arrow. This indicates that the task belonged to a repeating task pattern, but has been modified individually and changes to the pattern will not overwrite this or update this task.

Reviewing Repeat Pattern Series

All modified, completed and deleted ocurrences of a repeating task template are displayed in the project view as subtasks. This way you get an easy and quick overview on how the repeat series developed and have access to all the notes you made over the course of the series. I.e. if your repeat template is for a weekly conference call and you use the task note to write down what has been discussed, you can easily access all task notes from the project view.

End a Repeating Task Series

To complete the whole series of tasks (template) open the Review Repeating view and complete the template, or complete it in the project, that has been assigned for it.

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