Taskfabric Cloud allows you to sync your projects and tasks between multiple installations or share your projects with your team, colleagues and friends.
How to use it
Create a free Taskfabric Cloud account
Tap or click the Head button at the bottom of the project library (on the left side of the screen on your desktop or tap the burger menu with the three lines on mobile platforms to display the project library) to open the Taskfabric Cloud dialog. To create a new account tap on "Sign Up >", enter your email address, choose a password and confirm the terms. Then tap/click "Register" to create the account.
Log in to Taskfabric Cloud
Enter your email address from the Taskfabric Cloud Sign Up and the password you've chosen, then click "Log In". Use the same email address for all devices that you want to keep in sync.
Registration vs Taskfabric Cloud Account
If you've bought your license in our online shop it is registered to the email address you provided during the checkout. This email address is needed for activating your license. This does not automatically activate your Taskfabric Cloud account. You still have to do this manually as described above.
This also means that you can use any email address to sign up for Taskfabric Cloud. It is not limited to the email address you provided for your purchase.
Taskfabric Cloud Account Management
If you forgot your password, want to delete your account or change any settings you can access the Account Manager at taskfabric.net/manage
Taskfabric Cloud automatically generates a personal email account for you. Any email sent to this account will be converted into a task and added to your Inbox.
You can retrieve your personal Task-by-Mail email address through
- the Taskfabric Cloud Account Manager or
- from the Taskfabric Cloud dialog within Organize:Me, Organize:Pro and Taskfabric by tapping the Head button below the task list and selecting "Task-by-Mail" at the bottom of the dialog
Task-by-Mail is included with every license.
TASKFABRIC.NET - Taskfabric Cloud Online Access
To access your Taskfabric Cloud tasks from your web browser open taskfabric.net and login with your Taskfabric Cloud login credentials.